Release your full potentials in the brain with the first
autonomous learning system, individual search engine,
data center in the world.

You can learn and explore various subjects using AI,
regardless of whether you have an engineering or
scientific background.

Generative search, or reference based classic search?
A high level of customization, allowing you to tailor
your searches according to your specific preferences.

an evolution of
human brain

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history.”


“The whole idea was to have a learning device that learns like the brain, like people think the brain learns, by changing connection strings. And this wasn’t my idea; Turing had the same idea.”


Your individual search engine

Have you ever dreamed of having a thoughtful assistant who could accurately and precisely locate information of your interest? Do you get tired of spending large amount of your time in reading those cluttered web pages sent from 'classic' search engines? You deserve to have a customizable, smart, visionary search engine which put itself in the benefit of others. No more reading of lengthy paragraphs, just a few most relevant sections you are seeking for. You should be the one to decide what should be prioritized ...


For thousands of years, everyone of us has to endure a painful procedure and consume most of our time, energy, resources to learn existing knowledge, information and experience from others. It takes a long way before it is feasible to create new ideas and inventions. One of the root cause of this is there is no fast and intelligent method to help us in mastering and understanding existing information. With the rise of the artificial intelligence, human is facing the challenge never faced before: more and more occupations appear to become suddenly extinct. Even for someone who does not have such concerns, the needs to access information of new domain never stop. Fortunately, a new window is opened: you could master the essential idea and information as well as the detailed sections of a book or loads of web pages just in several hours by using the general-purpose autonomous learning robot created by us ...

Personal Data Center

Everyday we get variety of information from different sources. Most of them would be left behind and ignored. What if you could have some of the essentials organized into a systemic way? Then you could unite all of your insight and knowledge and increase your own value. Most existing databases and systems are not designed to consider this kind of needs coming from users. BrainAtom Data Center is built on a completely new database and data management software with utterly new architecture for your daily use. The offered services include outstanding efficiency, high readability, intuitive data accessing, futuristic data visualization. You could inherit someone's insight and knowledge just in a few clicks. It also supports you to share or sell your own experience, knowledge as a NFT and everyone wins. And all of these are just starters.

Information is the new currency of 21century. AI,  machine learning, Natural Language Processing are exerting their man-made capabilities to elevate us into a new dimension and access the world via 360-degree perception. Being in this dimension a common people could accomplish what is impossible by releasing the full power of the brain. The world is stepping into a new stage, will you choose to embrace the opportunity and upgrade yourself?


context LIMITATION breaking

No upper limit for context in offline search, including Public or Private search(as long as your disk has enough space). You could always get the most probable candidates. This is all the software providers can not do.


There are lots of options there for you to use in the search as well as related post-processing for the wanted results.


Our AI robot could help you learn most information accumulated in human history. By using it, you could have the knowledge of a scientist, engineer, doctor, teacher, lawyer in an unbelievable short period. The most important is:

Building momentum

All your collected information could be organized in systematic way like a giant tree. These will be the solid foundation for your life and work.
Building upon that foundation, only become more stronger.

Online + offline =
Latest + breadth + depth
+ speed + yours

We provides both online and offline search. This could help you have newest information on internet for you interest but could also reuse accumulated information in your own private data space in all categories. No other company in the world do both!

Learn anything easily with AI even you have little computer knowledge

No need to go to school or have training now. Just learn what you need in real time from loads of pdf files, or urls, or any good ideas. 

You name it, our AI do it, you master it!

Breaking XXXk context limitation in generative search and classic search

From the very starting point, we prepared to scale up the system for individuals with a suit of machine learning algorithm. This make it possible for you to generate or inference with top-class capacity. As long as the disk is large enough, your search is always in high speed.

Many LLM providers have such kind of limitation in generating content, while we have considered such kind of limitation in the first place.

Little GPU dependency

If you looked at how brain works, you will find it take little energy consumption to complete very complicated task. We give the credit to the unique structure and inference capability of brain. That is why our system tries to minimize the usage of GPU and try to inherit the shining points of inferring procedure in human brain.

Highly customizable with VIM style

As one of the two most recognized editors, vim has created countless software, service, applications and help many people develop a new hand. We deeply love the conception of VIM and try to give user as much freedom as we can in the search experience. So user could focus on its target and try to avoid waste time in unnecessary, manual checking. Saving your time by giving our system more instructions and responsibilities!

If you do not want AI to use its imagination ...

Sometimes AI provides information that is far from reality. In this case, you could access reference answer only where generative procedure is ignored. So the answer has more reliability. This is especially useful when you are dealing with technical problems.

Search is not the terminal station, it is a new beginning

Once you have found what you have found, you could choose the AI to store results in your own data space. So next time it becomes quite easily and fast to locate the same information. Using BrainAtom AI Finch, you could easily master new information and merge it become a part of your DNA permanently. It is stored as a small node in a gigantic knowledge graph within your private data space. This is a lifetime hardcore of experience, insight, ideas, notes. New information could be built from this gigantic graph and becomes a prosperous intangible asset. Sharing, selling or inheriting depend on your free will.

The most import thing is: the whole procedure does not need you to become an expert of AI or software engineer.

Follow up

If you want continuously ask questions on the search results, it is just one click away.
Unlike others, the follow up analyse deep including content inside each link, again, we are providing new service to you. If the answer is not contained in context including the links inside the text, we can tell you the truth honestly.

Unique AI data center

Being a user of BrainAtom AI, you could have a data manager for your private data space, which stores data from working results of AI Finch and AI paramind. It is giant graph that could meet expanding requirements on data size. Have something to manage you data is easy, but making it scablable, manageable for a individual is not easy. That is why we built a new AI oriented database.

Focus plus context

To save your time, you could define context(focus) for your search which could let you decrease repeated input drastically. The focus could be some words, or sentences, or a nodes in offline data space. If it is a node, then the search time will be decreased to ignorable level.

Voice input

You could use voice input to ease the procedure of interaction. Two recognition options: speed or accuracy.

With our new heterogeneous system and decentralized products, there are loads of new ways to change the style and mode of life . Once they approach, the daily work will not be limited to a small number of choices as today we have.

Every step you take in using the AI software would be a fun game of the theme park where there is strong  momentum gained in the procedure. You feel the tremendous forces running through your head as your brain could use axon to transfer the concentration to focus at the creative neurons, not storage neurons or search neurons. Your spiritual impact could easily be expanded to a revolutionary level in helping massive people around the world.